Welcome to Optimeed’s documentation!

Optimeed is a free open source package that allows to perform optimization and data visualization/management.


  • PyQt5 for visualisation -> pip install PyQt5
  • pyopengl for visualisation -> pip install PyOpenGL
  • Numpy -> pip install numpy
  • Optional
    • pandas which is only used to export excel files -> pip install pandas
    • nlopt library for using other types of algorithm. -> pip install nlopt
    • inkscape software for exporting graphs in .png and .pdf)


To install the latest optimeed release, run the following command:

pip install optimeed

To install the latest development version of optimeed, run the following commands:

git clone https://git.immc.ucl.ac.be/chdegreef/optimeed.git
cd optimeed
python setup.py install

License and support