
Module Contents


Other modified files (directly):, to change point selection. Ctrl + clic: select area. Clic: only one single point

class myGraphicsLayoutWidget(parent=None, **_kwargs)

Bases: optimeed.visualize.gui.widgets.graphsVisualWidget.pyqtgraph.GraphicsView

useOpenGL(self, b=True)

Overwrited to fix bad antialiasing while using openGL

class myGraphicsLayout

Bases: optimeed.visualize.gui.widgets.graphsVisualWidget.pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout

addItem(self, item, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1)

Add an item to the layout and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified). The item must be an instance of a QGraphicsWidget subclass.

set_graph_disposition(self, item, row=1, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=1)

Function to modify the position of an item in the list

  • item – WidgetPlotItem to set
  • row – Row
  • col – Column
  • rowspan
  • colspan

class myItemSample(item)

Bases: optimeed.visualize.gui.widgets.graphsVisualWidget.pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.LegendItem.ItemSample

set_offset(self, offset)
set_width_cell(self, width)
paint(self, p, *args)

Overwrites to make matlab-like samples

class myLegend(size=None, offset=(30, 30), is_light=False)

Bases: optimeed.visualize.gui.widgets.graphsVisualWidget.pyqtgraph.LegendItem

Legend that fixes bugs (flush left + space) from pyqtgraph’s legend

set_space_sample_label(self, theSpace)

To set the gap between the sample and the label

set_offset_sample(self, offset)

To tune the offset between the sample and the text

set_width_cell_sample(self, width)

Set width of sample

addItem(self, item, name)

Overwrites to flush left

set_font(self, font_size, font_color, fontname=None)
paint(self, p, *args)

Overwrited to select background color

set_position(self, position, offset)

Set the position of the legend, in a corner.

  • position – String (NW, NE, SW, SE), indicates which corner the legend is close
  • offset – Tuple (xoff, yoff), x and y offset from the edge

class myLabelItem

Bases: optimeed.visualize.gui.widgets.graphsVisualWidget.pyqtgraph.LabelItem

setText(self, text, **args)

Overwrited to add font-family to options

class myAxis(orientation)

Bases: optimeed.visualize.gui.widgets.graphsVisualWidget.pyqtgraph.AxisItem


Overwrited to place label closer to the axis

resizeEvent(self, ev=None)

Overwrited to place label closer to the axis

set_label_pos(self, orientation, x_offset=0, y_offset=0)
set_number_ticks(self, number)