Loading and saving data

You will probably have to often manipulate data, saving them and loading them.

Imagine the following structure to be saved:

class TopoA:
    def __init__(self):
        self.R_in = 3e-3
        self.R_out = 5e-3

class MyMotor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rotor = TopoA()
        self.length = 5e-3
        self.dummyVariableToNotSave = 1234

optimeed provides a way to export that directly in JSON format. It detects the variables to save from type hints:

 class TopoA:
     R_in: float
     R_out: float

     def __init__(self):
         self.R_in = 3e-3
         self.R_out = 5e-3

 class MyMotor:
     rotor: TopoA
     length: float

     def __init__(self):
         self.rotor = TopoA()
         self.length = 5e-3
         self.dummyVariableToNotSave = 1234

If type hint is not possible because some type is not known before the running time, optimeed provides an additional tool SaveableObject:

 from optimeed.core import SaveableObject

 class TopoA:
     R_in: float
     R_out: float

     def __init__(self):
         self.R_in = 3e-3
         self.R_out = 5e-3

 class MyMotor(SaveableObject):
     length: float

     def __init__(self):
         self.rotor = TopoA()
         self.length = 5e-3
         self.dummyVariableToNotSave = 1234

     def get_additional_attributes_to_save(self):
         return ["rotor"]

The item can then be converted to a dictionary using obj_to_json(), which can then be converted to string liberal using “json.dumps” and written on a file. To recover To recover the object, read the file and interpret is as a dictionary using “json.load”. Then, convert the dictionary by using json_to_obj()

Alternatively, it might be simpler to use the class ListDataStruct (or similar user-custom class), which provides high-level save and load option. This is what is done in OptiHistoric